The PADI Full Face Mask Diver Specialty course introduces you to the world of diving with a full face mask, an alternative to traditional dive masks that offers unique advantages. A full face mask covers your entire face, including your eyes, nose, and mouth, creating a sealed environment that can enhance your underwater experience.
Here’s what you’ll learn in the PADI Full Face Mask Diver course:
- Full Face Mask Components and Function: You’ll learn about the different parts of a full face mask, including the lens, skirt, regulator connection, and communication options. You’ll understand how it creates a seal and how it differs from a standard mask.
- Donning and Doffing: The course covers the proper techniques for putting on and taking off a full face mask, both on the surface and underwater. This includes how to ensure a proper seal and how to clear the mask if it floods.
- Equalization Techniques: You’ll practice equalization techniques specific to full face masks, including how to clear your ears and how to equalize pressure within the mask itself.
- Underwater Skills: You’ll perform essential underwater skills while wearing a full face mask, such as clearing the mask, regulator recovery, and alternate air source use.
- Communication Options: The course may introduce you to different communication systems that can be integrated with full face masks, such as underwater microphones and speakers.
- Advantages and Disadvantages: You’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using a full face mask, including increased field of vision, warmer face in cold water, and the ability to communicate underwater
Why take this course?
- Enhanced field of vision: Full face masks offer a wider field of view compared to standard masks, allowing you to see more of your surroundings
- Increased comfort: Some divers find full face masks more comfortable than traditional masks, especially those with facial hair or those who experience claustrophobia with standard masks
- Underwater communication: Full face masks can be integrated with communication systems, making it easier to talk to your buddy or instructor underwater
- Cold water diving: A full face mask can provide additional warmth in cold water conditions
- PADI Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent)
- Minimum age: 12 years old
What to expect:
The PADI Full Face Mask Diver course typically includes classroom or online sessions to cover theory and at least two open water dives. These dives will focus on practicing skills with the full face mask, becoming comfortable with its use, and exploring its advantages.
If you’re looking for a different diving experience or need specific benefits that a full face mask offers, the PADI Full Face Mask Diver course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to dive safely and comfortably with this specialised piece of equipment.
How do I book?
If you want more information or would like to book onto the PADI Full Face Mask Diver course, please contact us via email, via phone on 01702 542759 or pop into the dive shop for a chat about the course and to collect your new PADI Full Face Mask Diver Pack.